Анализ молекулярных последовательностей

Материал из Институт биоинформатики
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While deeply looking into some important problems of nucleic and amino acid sequence analysis, this course covers many computational and statistical concepts widely used in bioinformatics. In the homework assignments, students will implement some of the discussed approaches and also become familiar with many useful bioinformatics tools.


Темы занятий

  1. Introduction. Genome composition. CpG islands
  2. HMMs, unrolling and training. HMM for CpG
  3. Sequence Motifs. Motif representation. PSSM scoring
  4. Profile HMMs. Complications
  5. Introduction to phylogeny. Evolutionary models
  6. Conserved regions analysis. Phylo-HMMs
  7. AA substitution. PAM & BLOSUM. Log-odds matrices
  8. Distance phylogeny. Multiple sequence alignment
  9. EM algorithm. Motif finding
  10. Comparative gene finding
